Employment collective relations
Collective employment relations cover the management of relations with the staff representative institutions and the negotiation of the collective status within the branch, the group or the company.
The command of employment collective relations:
- implies a perfect knowledge of the legislation and its interpretation, in constant evolution since the vote of the 20-August-2008 Act on social democracy,
- contributes to maintaining a good working climate for companies and also responds to the legislator’s will which, sometimes as an incentive, sometimes as a constraint, encourages employer/employee collective negotiation.

A partner of companies and/or employer organizations, Chassany Watrelot & Associés brings its knowledge of legislation and case law, its responsiveness and its analysis in order to help master the management of working relations.
Chassany Watrelot & Associés always seeks to anticipate the consequences of strategic choices on the management of the company.
- Establishment and renewal of staff representative institutions at all levels (site, company, social and economic unit, group…): legal and operational assistance during pre-electoral negotiations and elections (organisation of the institutions, setting up a guide on elections, supervision of the smooth running of operations…)
- Advice on representativeness of union organizations, exercise of union rights and management of electoral litigations
- Assistance and training in working relations management (operating rules, presidency of the institutions, delineation of functions and powers) with all staff representatives (European works council, staff representative institutions, union branch representatives, unions representatives), their experts and advisors
- Advice on the conduct of collective negotiations in all employment law fields (working duration, compensation, equal treatment, employment, etc.): preparation of mandatory negotiations, assistance during negotiations, strategic advice, secure drafting of agreements in always ensuring the consistency with other individual and collective regulations applicable within the company
- Management of litigations related to collective status (application, interpretation, agreement validity) and to the responsibilities of staff representative institutions; assistance during mediation